
Friday 5 August 2016

Art Journal Flip Through July 2016

A flip through of my new art journal for July. I started at the end of June so the last few days of June are in there too. This is my first month doing it and I'm in love.

I record my life in so many different ways, this daily book is just one piece of that and it's where I concentrate on the positives even if it was an awful day. I get my negatives out (because it's important not to keep them squished up in your head), just not in this book.
It's mostly a much needed way of doing something with my obsession for stickers and ephemera and recording myself. I've collected ephemera (the tickets and labels ephemera not the buy it from a scrapbook brand "ephemera"*) my whole life and have always had a fondness for cutting and sticking so this is a really good way to organise it in a way that still feels like what it is, a collection of random bits that remind me what I've been up to and the act of doing it is super calming too.
I wasn't sure whether to call this an art journal or a scrapbook but art journal felt more right with it being daily (like a journal) and I feel like the collage aspect of it covers the art so I'm going with that ^_^

What really helped to make me have a go at this were Kaila's 'hobonichi with me' videos. Everything she does is so cute, check out her channel:

*I'm not saying anything against buying things to stick in your books, but the adoption of words by companies in order to market things to you often makes for confusion. Because let's face it, the definition of ephemera means it's not something you can buy. Companies basically change the meaning of words to their advantage and it makes me sad. Just remember that however lovely they are, companies are trying to get your money and will often use clever marketing to do that. Ephemera is such an example of it because it's a word that feels so perfectly scrapbook-ey for them to have in their blurb so you'll feel reassured that you're buying the 'right' things when really it means nothing, they're just ruining the meaning of a beautiful word. Like I said, there's nothing wrong with buying the things, but I think it's a good thing to be aware of while you're buying them. You do you ^_^

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