
Saturday 13 April 2019

Blog Challenge Start ~ 1/7

I'm not sure if this is just some sort of weekend frenzy that will stop being appealing in a day or two but I've had a thought.
I'm going to try blogging something every day. In my head I keep thinking "30 day challenge! 30 day challenge!" but I'm going to be more reasonable and set myself the goal of a 7 day challenge. One whole week of blogging.

In general I don't really want to blog just for the sake of it, without having something particular to share but I do want to get back into the habit so I'll try this.

When I was looking through photos for my 10 year post I realised that I don't really take photos of random every day things so much anymore. As phone cameras have got better I figured I was taking more photos day to day but just not with my fancy camera and I think I probably do but only of me, what I'm drawing and the rats. I obsessively document the rats but my phone camera isn't actually very good (not just low quality but in a frustrating, weird way, I think it tries too hard to be clever) so I don't think to take photos of other things with it but because I have in my mind this idea that I always have a camera on me I don't have my "proper" camera to hand as often. When I was going through photos from years ago I found myself wondering why I'd taken a particular photo that seemed to be of nothing or something mundane but at the same time I really enjoyed it and as I got further through the folders there was less and less of it.

I love love love documenting my life and I love seeing other people do it and the tiny little things that seem to not be important are often the nicest things to look back on, even when they don't make sense anymore.

This isn't a photo challenge though, just a blog one. Prompted by the want for more photos but not dictated by it so I can keep it easy.
I want to take more photos, share drawings, talk about things I've watched or read or listened to or maybe even to just write down ramble-y thoughts. I don't mind. I just want to blog more.

I feel like I had a period where I was more creative and growing in that way and then it dropped off while I had a difficult period of self-reflection (panic and breakdowns and crying) and realised a lot of things about myself and the world (wow that sounds corny) and now I just want to merge that all together and actually be content and happy with myself.

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