
Wednesday 17 April 2019

A Cosy List ~ 5/7

It's getting late and I'm not sure what to post today so I thought I'd do a little list of
things that make me feel calm:
(in no particular order)

1 Cooking. Sometimes the idea of cooking makes me kind of stressed, especially if anyone is about but if I'm by myself and I manage to start cooking, once I get going it's pretty relaxing. I like to make tomato-y things that go on rice or pasta. They vary but I have a basic way I do it every time so I don't have to think too much. There's something magic about preparing food too, it really does feel like I'm looking after myself and whoever else will be eating it.

2 Sitting in the garden. So simple but so pure. Our garden is fairly wild and I love noticing new things growing in it and outside noises, whether it's birds or trains, are just the best. I can't imagine we'll always have a garden so I try to make the most of it. I love to sit out on the concrete drawing or reading or just sitting.

3 When I scratch the rats' cheek and their head tilts sideways and their little arm stretches out and they look so happy.

4 When Will is snoring.

5 A cup of tea. Not very exciting I know but it's true. I don't know why tea is magic but it is. All kinds, whatever suits the mood, but it's all magic.

6 Libraries. Collections of books anywhere but libraries are free and for everyone so there's no money stress hiding in the back of my brain. It's taken various forms over my life but I have always had a strong attachment to libraries, libraries are also pure, important magic.

7 The smell of my mum. Does that sound weird?

I'm going to stop at seven because they came quite easily and I don't want to start forcing it. Although, writing that made me think of another so here's a bonus: looking at my druid oracles, I have one for trees and one for animals and they're very calming to use. That's it.
Something that isn't calm for me is to post a blog with no image. It might be a bad choice to post just text but it's supposed to be a good thing to do things that make you uncomfortable so let's try it. As a juxtaposition to all the cosyness floating around from the list.

See you tomorrow! What would be on your list?

1 comment:

  1. I like this a lot and the lack of visual stimulation from images kind of made it more relaxing to read. My breath actually slowed down reading this post :)
