
Sunday 26 May 2019

Blog thoughts and Sundays

Wah! Technology or whatever. After all my hopes for blogging again I'm now hitting problems here that I can't fix. The image quality is bothering me a lot. I think maybe blogger has just been neglected and isn't suited to how good screens are now?
However. I think I've come to a conclusion. As mentioned in my last post, I set up my Patreon account as a just-in-case but it's there now so I may as well use it. What I'm thinking is, if it's art/work related the image quality is important but if it's just personal, it's not as important. I can carry on blogging here for myself and when it's something to do with art I can do a public post on my Patreon page and link to it from here. I don't know how well that will work, will people bother to click through to other pages? Does it seem like I'm trying to trick people onto my Patreon page? (I'm really really not btw, if anything, I'm a bit embarrassed to admit that I even have one, I don't have an audience asking for it, who am I to think I might need a Patreon account at some point etc etc) I don't know but in the grand tradition of making the best out of what you've got I think this is my plan for now.
I would love to have a website and have a blog and everything else on there and make it all nice and fancy and good but I can't afford the fees for now and I don't want to set up another free blog somewhere else only to move it again in a year or two.
So yes, these are my bloggy thoughts that I don't really need to share but feel the urge to. I hope you will click on my links to see my work better on other pages and I hope you'll enjoy my personal posts here with slightly pixelated photos.

Anyway, it is a sunday and I have been feeling pretty good lately and am planning to just "have a sunday". I'm learning to find balance in working and resting so that I don't get so drained. It's hard, I feel like I need to just work until I've succeeded at life but I can't work well if my brain is a stressed mush and there the evil circle starts up. Also, if I'm always working towards this "success" I'm losing all these days in the mean time. I'm also trying to learn better focus when I am working so I get more out of my time. Just trying to be better while also just existing and enjoying where I am.

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