
Saturday 12 May 2018

Studio Mess ~ Stall Prep

Studio Mess

Tomorrow I have a table at a Norfolk Brawds roller derby game at the UEA and have spent the week crossing things off my to do list. The list is all crossed off now *proud face* so here are some photos I took during the week.
I've been watching a lot of old Rainbowholic videos lately, Kaila has been making me feel really motivated ^_^

Studio Mess
Studio Mess

The ready pile/my studio floor. Not too bad but needs more!

Studio Mess

New key rings. Getting the heart shape to fit right was tricky (ᗒᗩᗕ) I'm so glad I thought to add the dangly beads. I think it really adds something, like without them something was missing. Everything needs more dangly things though right?

Studio Mess
Studio Mess
Studio Mess
Studio Mess
Studio Mess

A much more satisfying pile! When I agreed to have a stall for this I was a little worried because I didn't have enough stuff to fill a table but I really wanted to use it as a chance to get going again after a tough winter and luckily it worked! I was worried the day would come around and I'd still just be sat on the floor in a sad daze but I worked really hard and have made a lot of things I'm really proud of including the header cards/packaging for things as well as the actual items.

Studio Mess
Studio Mess

All packed and ready for tomorrow. My goal for this all along has been to set up a table I'm proud of, I'm not expecting to make any money from it seeing as people are there for the skating not to buy stuff and even though I have no idea how I'm going to lay out my table I feel confident it's going to look like a good table of stuff (=⌒▽⌒=)
My eczema is really bad today and Big Hero 6 is on tv in a bit and it's eurovision tonight so I'm going to relax for the rest of the day in an attempt to not have a swollen face tomorrow on top of already trying really hard to not let my social anxiety make me come across as too much of a creep!
I hope whatever you're up to this weekend is going well ^_^

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