
Tuesday 22 May 2018

Sick Day


I took some time off over the weekend because I had a cold and I tend to have colds forever and Will reckons it's because I don't rest so this time I rested. I'm still stuffy but I feel pretty good so maybe it helped.


I was reading somewhere that a little bit of strong sun can actually help with eczema (not enough to start burning though obviously, that would be awful for eczema!) so I've been trying to go out in the garden every day, flap my arms and legs about, soak up some vitamin d. It feels super weird to go in the sun without sun cream even just for 5 or 10 mins but I'm sick of the eczema so I'll try anything.


I've had this on my to read list for aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaages but apparently so has everyone else in Norwich because it's never in the library and then one day I just saw it, sitting on the shelf and it was really good sick day reading. It's so horrible but in such a creepy not typical way. Junji Ito is a genius, I spend the whole time screaming "oh no" and laughing. It's such a good comic.

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