
Thursday 17 May 2018

Four Pictures

I'm really getting back into taking photos, not just when something is happening but day to day, for the sake of taking a photo. I never intentionally stopped taking so many or even fully realised until after the fact that I had stopped taking so many but I'm feeling that urge again and I'm really enjoying it. I've always liked taking photos, I'm not particularly "good" at it but that isn't the point for me so it's fine. Anyway, here are four photos from the first half of this week ^_^


It is almost impossible to get a clear photo of the rats, they move a lot and live in quite a dark room/tend to come out at night so I'm going to just embrace the blurryness. Even out of focus they're still beautiful (≡^∇^≡)


We were in Tiger the other day and Will bought some car shaped cardboard snack boxes in the hopes that we could get the rats to take an interest in them (we're still working on it) and they came with this tissue paper so the next few orders I get will be wrapped in it ^_^


I love sitting in the garden so much and recently I've seen a frog and a mouse out there as well as the birds that are mostly going to next door gardens for the feeders but sit on our fence. We like to let it be a bit wild because we're lazy but also because wildlife needs it to be. I love watching the blackbirds kick leaves about looking for bugs but it's starting to toe the line into unusable so it's time for a bit of a tidy up.


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