
Monday 8 May 2017

11 years and some stickers

The first of May was our 11th anniversary (!) so we had a day off and ate junk. It feels like so much more than a week ago. It fell at a weird time, right in between my Grandad dying and the funeral which is happening this week. That's the main energy suck at the minute but everything has happened over the past week or so. It seems like we never get to deal with just one thing at a time, everything always happens at once. I'm not going to list out everything here and to be honest some people would have taken it all in their stride but we're anxious little socially broken hermits and things are tough for us to deal with. I look forward to it going back to my boring little hermit life with nothing going on except work and games and films and snacks for a while.


But in the middle of everything we had a nice chill day off anyway ^_^  and proved how good we are at taking selfies


Photos are weird for scale but that mixing bowl is huge, we made an obscene amount of popcorn and watched the SpongeBob film and we ate every last piece of it because we are greedy chubbers.


I've been using up some weird sticker paper (I explain it in the video) and did nothing for two days but make stickers. Hand drawn things that are usually printed always feel so magic. I love printing things too, making anything is always awesome but making something by hand is super magic. Regardless of how 'good' the drawing is on each one I could pile them up and lay them out and just touch them one by one and look at them for ages, they just make me feel good. Is this how people feel when they play with crystals and stuff? Making my own little talismans.


Will's easter cactus has opened all it's flowers! It's so pretty, we thought a cheap supermarket cactus would be dead by now, especially seeing as we had to pull a weird soggy bit out from next to the main piece but it seems to be doing really well so far. I really want more house plants, plants are magic too.

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