
Friday 17 March 2017

spring is coming ^_^


I felt like I knew Sad Ghost Club had started posting on youtube but had never looked into whether that was real or if I'd made it up but I actually looked and it's real! And what's best about it being real is that they're uploading 'sketchbook club' videos and I love it so much. I don't have a group of friends to have drawing fun time hang outs with (maybe because I say lame things like drawing fun time hang outs?) and having these videos on while I draw is really great. I know I'm still not with people but there is something nice about that little screen of people that are having a chat and also drawing. It's less lonely and actually quite motivating, I drew in my sketchbook for longer in one go while watching their video than I tend to which was great. So, thanks Sad Ghost Club! I hope you keep doing these videos ^_^


I don't want to jinx it but there have been a few really nice days lately and it feels like spring might actually be starting to happen! I'm so excited, I need more sunshine and to not need my big coat. Plus it's much nicer to take my camera out when I weigh less (the lack of a big coat), don't have frozen fingers and are much less likely to get rained on. It's a good time.


I don't do a lot of 'socialising' on any level but I need to figure out 'what I do' for when I am around people. When I am in a situation where there are other people and they ask I never know what to say, I don't have a job title, and end up sounding really dumb. Lots of pauses and ums. Although maybe I just need to change how I say 'I make stuff and then try to sell it'. Take out the try for a start and state it rather than question it, change my tone. As with many a social problem I just need more confidence I suppose. I'll get there.


I've wanted this Cardcaptor Sakura wand tattoo for a while now, since I finished reading the manga. Will finally had time to draw it up for me and we got it done a couple days ago. I love it so much, Will did such a good job and it makes me want to hurry up and decide what else I want on my leg so it isn't so lonely. Also I've heard that the older you get the more it hurts so lets try and avoid that lol. Can we take a moment to appreciate how cute it is that Will put Princess Luna on his black ink bottle. He said he has a big white ink now too so he's going to find a Princess Celestia to go on there. So kawaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiii!!

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