
Tuesday 24 March 2020

24th March UK Lockdown

The uk government announced last night that they were taking stronger measures to enforce social distancing and I just need to vent some thoughts. I almost didn't post this because I don't want to add to anyone's stress levels with my own rambling but I know I'll find it beneficial to write it down and send it off into the world so I recommend just looking at this nice tree and then clicking out of heređź’–

The advice to individuals is the same as it was, stay inside unless it's essential to go out, only travel to work if you have to, for food and medicine, exercise, keeping contact with others to a bare minimum. What's changed is they've given themselves and the police the power to close things down, give out fines, disperse people.
We had the opportunity to look after each other and we fucked up. I am mad. This is probably some sort of necessary evil, the virus needs to be cut off and apparently we were too stupid to just do that for each other so we need to be forced to do it but we need to remember in the long run that it is not good to give any government, let alone a conservative one, the power to control us like this.

The fact that people don't understand how viruses spread, or that they don't care, is just infuriating. Why could people not just stay inside, why did people still think to themselves, "oo the sun's come out lets hang out at the park". It's so irresponsible and now the government have more control over what we can and can't do.
Aside from the fact that people are selfish enough to not care about spreading the virus I now can't help but think about all the people put in danger by these new measures. I don't know enough to talk about these things properly and won't even be aware of all the ways people will be affected but anyone that's already at risk of profiling by the police must be worried about what might happen now when they go out for food and medicine or just to move their body, trying to stay healthy. Domestic violence is going to go through the roof with everyone being forced to stay inside. The tension of everyone having to stay in rather than choosing to stay in will have a strain on any relationship let alone abusive ones. Everyone that can, needs to stay inside, we need to look after each other to stop the spread of the virus as quickly as possible and to give space to people that need it. It breaks my heart that people are so uninformed and so selfish and it impacts people so heavily and all you needed to do was let a sunny day pass without hanging out at the park.

I also want to add that while I am mad at everyone that hasn't been taking this seriously I also fully blame the government for encouraging it. They started this whole thing with advice based around carrying on and herd immunity and then they realised they fucked up and drip fed the idea that things should close and we should stay inside but they'd already sold people the idea that it wasn't necessary. (Not to mention all the fucking war language that totally fed people's bullshit keep calm and carry on we won't be stopped from our normal lives blitz mentality.) They were too slow to act and it's put people in danger.

Like I said, I'm not articulate enough or well informed enough to talk about this properly, I just needed to vent, get it out of my system a bit so I can concentrate on staying sane while we sit this out. I already spend a lot of time at home, I'd already started only going out for necessities and my home is safe, I'm actually looking forward to spending more time with Will. I'm worried about money, I'm worried about having access to food we can afford and eventually about paying our bills (we're ok for this month) and I'm worried about other people and the situation as a whole but I'm going to concentrate on staying calm and doing what I can do and hopefully this whole situation will be over as soon as is possible.

Stay safe, look after yourself, look after each otherđź’–

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