
Saturday 16 February 2019

Hearts, Rats and Gacha ~ Shop Update

Some new things are in my shop! These cute heart girls come in two colours and started life as a tiny doodle in my diary at a coffee shop. That sounds like such a normal thing but I actually don't go out much and going out for a drink is a bit of a treat. It reminded me that getting out of the house is actually really important for being creative. I know it's just a simple drawing but something felt different about the process. A change of environment just gets your brain working a bit differently. Being stuck in the house is a bit of an evil circle, I don't go out because I have no money but not going out is maybe holding me back in my work so how will I get money...

I had this gacha idea, doodled it out, worked it up and made the badges all in one day. It's fun to make something quickly without letting it drag on for ages, getting over-thought. These were so difficult to photograph, the colours just wouldn't photograph accurately, I'd get the text right and then the background would be wrong and on and on. I had trouble with the rat sticker photos on the same day, I think the light was just really blue or something? I always feel like my stuff is much better seen irl but how do you get that across in a photo? I will keep practising though!

And some rat stickers! I've wanted to make something with rats for a while but I think I let myself get intimidated by how much I love them and just couldn't get the drawings right but then it just suddenly clicked and I ended up with enough rats for two separate sticker packs and I'm really proud of them.

I'm having some ups and downs but generally I'm feeling pretty good about my work so far this year, I just want to keep making as many things as possible. Let myself do whatever pops into my head without worrying too much about whether it's what I should be making.

Thanks for being here and please check out my shop and remember sharing artist's work is super helpful even if you can't buy anything yourself ^-^

Here's a vlog from when I made the heart twin tails stickers.

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