
Tuesday 24 October 2017

Nerd Burger Commission!

I was asked by Cazz aka Nerd Burger to illustrate her new icon, text and background for all of her online stuff. (How do we talk about all the places we are online? Online presence is all I can think of and it sounds too formal and weird for me to say but it took me ages to accept selfie as a word too so I dunno.) I'd already been a fan of hers for ages so that was a pretty good message to get!

Nerd Burger

I've been in a bit of a creative slump lately and while I still feel like I'm in the middle of it (self motivated work is different than work for other people so even though I did this and feel proud of it it hasn't really got me anywhere with knowing what I'm doing for my own things because it feels totally separate even though both are obviously mine, yay brains) having this work to do gave me some time where I was working and did some work I'm really proud of.

I couldn't believe it when I got the message. I've been following Cazz through her blog, youtube, instagram and twitter for ages and think she's awesome and now she was approaching me for my art! It would have felt pretty good any day but it came at a really good time for me (see previously mentioned art slump). Then there was a day or two of pure anxiety about it where I had to constantly remind myself that actually yes I could do it and do it well and she wasn't making a mistake and would suddenly realise and not want me to do it anymore but once I got properly started on the pieces that faded a lot and I could concentrate on the work without constantly doubting myself.
And I had so much fun! It was a great project to have the chance to do and I'm so thankful to Cazz for trusting me with it.

She has started using my work already and it's so weird and awesome to see my drawings pop up whenever I look at her posts/videos ^_^

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