
Tuesday 10 October 2017

a calmer week, includes painting


So, since my last post where I was very tired and sad I've had a much better week mentally. Pixel finally took a whole weeks worth of medicine, every last drop. He remained a cheese fiend for the whole week, sometimes it went so easy it felt like we hadn't given him the medicine yet. While it didn't get rid of the whistle in his nose completely he was squeaking a lot less and we felt pretty good about it. We went to the vet again this morning (tuesday, screw trying to have some weird weekly post thing going on, I always run too late to bother with it) and she agreed that he sounded better and said his lungs were fine which is a relief, even if it's not going away completely at least it hasn't moved down either. She gave us a couple of options and what we've gone with is another week of the two antibiotics seeing as they seemed to help last week while we sort out some money to get a nebuliser for him which will come with some magic potion that will actively work to fight the bacteria as he breathes it in. She said we can put all 3 rats in there and it should even help stop any of them flaring up too. It's pricey (it's not one you can just buy for yourself, it needs to be one that will make the vapour particles tiny enough to get in a rats lungs) but once we've bought it we have it forever and we feel it's worth it because rats are magic. It would be an especially good time to buy things from me though... He also has put on another 5 grams so all in all, he's doing ok which makes me happy.


In other news, last week I avoided a mental melt down about clothes/self esteem by realising I could paint my dungarees which I did and I think they turned out really nice. I filmed a process video but still want to add a bit on the end of me showing them off. I also made my September zine. I can't remember if I mentioned here before but I think I'm kind of done with the monthly zines. I was using them to show myself that I was actually drawing when I felt like I wasn't and to also end up with a tangible something that I'd made on a regular basis. I think they've done their job but I also really want a whole years worth so I'm going to do them right through so that I have a 2017 set. I do still like them but the process can be a bit boring.


A trip to Pets At Home for rat food turned into just a lot of oooohing and ahhhhing at all the adorable animals. That pink eyed gerbil(❤ω❤)


It's the best time of year again, this means stodgy food and cosy snuggles and colourful walks ^_^


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