
Wednesday 9 August 2017

Pride and My Birthday!!!!!


It seems like aaaaaaages ago but I started the week (or last week, or something, I'm uploading this later than normal so who knows) with Norwich pride. I'd had a leg tattoo the day before so I didn't want to be up and about on it too much but I went for the march and I'm glad I did. It's a good feeling to be a part of something that is still so important but also Pride is a good time ^_^


I re-greened my hair and didn't wear gloves then made my dad a card out of glitter paper and I liked how it looked kind of alien. I also made some more bracelets. I'd had a couple of pastel ones I'd made for a while but I recently got the same beads but bright and finally sat down and used them.


Then it was my birthday!!!! Will decorated the living room all fancy with lots of confetti and we went in to the city basically just to eat various things then came home and ate more things. It was a good time and I am now officially old (─‿‿─)


Will's family got me some really nice presents off of my amazon list, I'm pretty excited to try the origami kit that only has japanese instructions.


Will secretly saved up for ages and bought me a new 2ds xl and I cried and it turned out that he'd got me Animal Crossing to play on it and it's even more adorable than I could have hoped. Buying things isn't what makes you happy but getting to a place where it's possible to occasionally buy things like this is such a strange feeling of overwhelmed relief and fear lol.
There aren't really that many things that I want but not having them can kind of make me feel a little detached from the world. I don't if that makes sense or just makes me sound super consumery and shallow but it can be hard to not have things you know you'd really love and be inspired by and to be able to start having some of these things feels really nice. We've worked very hard for it. I also got some birthday money which I can't wait to spend on some of the creative people I follow online


Will decorated a cake for me too, ain't it pretty?!


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