
Sunday 13 August 2017

fancy cakes and new housemates


This week feels like more than a week. It started with our trip to Thrigby which feels like such a long while ago! Then on the Sunday mum and dad went home and Will and I ended my 4 day birthday with some cake decorating. We didn't really need more cake but we'd bought the bits as an activity to do on my actual birthday and didn't end up doing it. That icing slowly melted into an unrecognisable mess but it was really fun to do and for a little while they looked super cute.


I'm cutting back on crochet these days and don't have the custom banner listing available in my shop but when I get a message from someone with a cute profile picture asking if I can make another queer banner I can't say no ^_^


Then there was basically a weird mid section of the week where I sorted and tidied and panicked and then.....


....we went and picked up our new friends! Will's sister drove us out to a lovely rat breeder we found online and came home with 3 fancy rats


Oh my gosh, we're so in love. We got three boys, two about 8 weeks and one 5 and a half weeks. They've been home 3 days and the two older ones are just about to start climbing out of the cage onto us without too much persuasion and the younger one is more nervous obviously but as a unit they're a wonderfully happy pile and are getting along great. I've not had rats before and have only had these guys a really short amount of time but rats are the best pets! They're so friendly and beautiful and I love them. They're ruining my productivity because all I do is sit there watching to see if they're up to anything, I'm staying up late to hang out with them and getting up early to catch them before they go back to sleep and it's making me delusional. I, half asleep, woke Will up last night asking him if he a rat in his hair because I thought I could see one. It was weird, I'm obsessed! But yeah, rats, they're great. I think you'll be seeing a lot of these guys round here from now on ^_^

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