
Sunday 26 February 2017

being anxious but having a nice time


I really hate sorting crochet patterns so that they're suitable to show to other people rather than my notebook scribbles that mostly serve to just jog my memory but I really want to get more patterns listed in my etsy shop so I stopped being a baby and got this octopus pattern sorted and listed. The two octopus' in the photo are listed too if you're the want an amigurumi octopus type but aren't the crochet type. I also got a new design listed in my society6 and redbubble, I think it's suitable for many an occasion.


Will took me out for Pizza Hut buffet and we also took some saved pennies, had a wander about and got some treats. I had a really nice day but also was in a slight panic the whole time. The mix of social anxiety and not being able to go out very often (and therefore totally out of practise at it) generally means when I do get to go somewhere I freak out the whole time. So when I got home I realised I hadn't taken any photos and not much video even though I carried my camera around all day. But this is a photo of all our new stuff on the floor when we got home (where I also was, fighting my 'had a fun time' headache) and I show some of it off in the video too. Pizza Hut has a drinks machine with flavoured Pepsi and you can mix them and it's basically the best thing ever. Colourful clothes, toys and stationery are also the best thing ever.


My diary, an insight into my super exciting, beautiful life for you.


grumpy scruffbag


This fluffball's face just kills me. Every time I see it, dead. look at that wet chin/beard *squee*!!!


Some more of my ebay tapes and stickers turned up ^_^ I also got some tapes from Tiger and My Little Pony stickers from Poundland. It's funny how something so simple can bring so much joy. There's a big Discord sticker in that ponies pack and I can't decide what to do with him, it's too good.


I've wanted this book by Mais2 for a while and when she mentioned on instagram that she would be putting up a pre-order I set aside some Christmas money and kept my eyes peeled. It arrived the other day and it's beautiful, I love it so much. It's basically a copy of her sketchbook from while she was in Japan, her drawings are so good and I always love seeing people's sketchbooks and anything autobio and anything Japan so it's all a big win win win.

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