
Thursday 16 June 2016

Catch Up Time


Hello, there! I think a bit of a catch up post is in order. I've had two crochet pattern commissions with almost the same deadline to get done over the past few weeks so obviously I was concentrating on getting those done and as I can't really share commission work while I'm working on it I kind of took the chance to drop off the internet a little. I do like to have breaks from social media every now and then because it can all get a bit much and you've got to look after your mental health and I find noticing when I need a break from places like twitter to be really useful. And I don't mean people being negative on twitter, I follow a lot of people talking about really important things that there needs to be more awareness of and sometimes the fact that these things need to be spoken about and how ignorant and selfish and uncaring people can be basically gets to me far too much and so because I am lucky enough to have the option, I sometimes take a break from it. I can't stop thinking about things but I can make my environment a little more relaxed.
Anyway, I finished the commissions this morning, I'll be posting them tomorrow but they're ready to go so I thought I'd come see my ol' blog pal and get back in the swing of things with an update.


As well as the commissions, I did manage to get a new pattern up on my print to order shops. It's a streamers and confetti pattern and I think it would add just the right amount of party to any situation. It's one of those fiendish things that looks simple but actually took a really long time to do, I pretty much get angsty if I don't finish an illustration in a day because my work is so simple but I really need to get over that because the additions I made to this that made it take so long were so so worth it. I'm going to have to get myself a pair of leggings (redbubble often has discounts and offers so I'm hoping one will turn up to help me out soon!)

society6 // redbubble // art rookie

Not sure if I've mentioned it on here yet but I'm learning Japanese. Very slowly. But I'm doing it! I started off with this article for learning the hiragana and am now working my way through the katakana. If it's something you've got an interest in I highly recommend just doing it, I thought there was no chance I'd be able to see the difference between Japanese characters without going to an actual paid for course but I very quickly did start being able to recognise the characters. I'm only at the very beginning but so far, it's going well ^_^


I'm currently trying to ignore a very itchy patch on my leg. One of the first tattoos Will ever did on me was a dinosaur on my leg. It was really early in his apprenticeship so obviously it needed touching up which we did at the weekend and is now at that wonderful 'oh my gosh I want to scratch it right off' stage. I took my camera with me to the studio:


I have been uploading vlogs fairly regularly so I'd love it if you went and checked them out. I'd also kind of love it if you didn't because I'm self concious and embarrassed of them but that's not the way to think.

I started writing about the books I've been reading but it got a bit long so that post will be coming along on it's own in the next couple of days so I'll end with an important item (or set of items) I saw in the city the other day. The new Dr Martens range of tmnt boots, they are just so awesome!


I'm now going to sit here with my hair re-greening itself, listening to the rain that just suddenly turned up and catch up on all the blogs I've not been reading. If you've posted anything amazing online this month (blog or not) then share it with me, I need to see all the things!


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