
Wednesday 25 July 2012

Taxidermy at the Castle

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Even though we have lived here for over a year now we had our first trip to the castle museum on Monday. I can't believe we've been missing out for so long. During the last hour of the day you can get in for just £1 so we did that to go check out the teapots, obviously. We then discovered the amazing natural history taxidermy section they have and ran around like kids trying to see it all before we had to get out, snapping photos as we went to draw from at home.
The displays are amazing, it's really old fashioned taxidermy, that polar bear has hold of a seal and is about to smush it! It all has so much character.
Also, isn't that backdrop in the last photo amazing? It properly looks like it stretches back really far rather than just being a painting on a wall.
We'll definitely be going back soon for a proper look.

There is more on my flickr including a rather lovely display of eggs.

1 comment:

  1. I always think the taxidermy section has the weirdest smell! The castle is actually pretty good - check out the mummy in the (small) ancient Egypt section too. I go fairly often - taking my class on school trips!
