
Friday, 15 August 2014

Crochet ~ Dinosaurs and Doughnuts


This months Simply Crochet magazine (issue 21) has a couple of my designs featured in it. I was so pleased to see these guys on the first page having the cutest fight ever.

Untitled Untitled

As well as the dino buddies there is also my doughnut pin cushion complete with pin sprinkles in the same issue.

I've had a few things printed in Simply Crochet now and it hasn't stopped being awesome seeing things I designed and made being all styled and glossy out in the world for people to see.

I like my job.


  1. Doughnut pincushion is all sorts of awesome. I wonder if this issue is still on sale? I should keep up to date with my RSS reading :(

    1. Thank you ^_^
      I think a new issue is already out I'm afraid.
