Monday, 30 June 2014
Films I Watched ~ May
An end of the month, Sunday afternoon doodle of the films I watched in May.
I realise I probably shouldn't post things that aren't all that great but I think knowing I'm planning to post it is what makes me do it at all and I need the reason to do it so I can get the extra practise.
So you shall have to make do with some shoddy attempts at typography now and then until it works and I get better at it ^_^
Sunday, 29 June 2014
Crochet ~ Triple Trouble
Issue 20 of Simply Crochet has arrived and includes one of my designs. Always exciting to see my work styled and printed all fancy.
When I was coming up with these guys I was thinking about how to make something you could make into what you wanted. There's a basic pattern for the doll and the dress then you can mix them up to suit you. The ears, face details, colours, dress variations, it'd be really easy to make your own one of a kind doll, or three.
As I mentioned here if you ever make anything from any of my patterns I'd love to see it, please send/direct me to your photos :)
Saturday, 28 June 2014
The Anti-Social Club ~ Light
I wanted to do something photography based for 'light' seeing as that's what photography essentially is. In the end I went with a light of the day and night diptych thingy.
This has given me such a hankering to make more diptychs. I have all sorts of thoughts buzzing around. I had a nosey around in this flickr group after I'd uploaded my diptych and it's got me all excited. I've been thinking about putting together some sort of photo based zine, maybe diptychs is what would make it more interesting...
Too many thoughts, I'm at risk of thinking about it so much that I don't actually do anything so I'm off to actually do things.
Hope you have a lovely weekend.
Check out what other people are doing with The Anti-Social Club here or search for the tag #AntiSC or even better, join in. This week is 'shadow', should be interesting ^_^
Friday, 27 June 2014
Crochet ~ A Very Kawaii Cat Army
My little cat army is complete (for now at least). Here is a little introduction.
Meet Beatrice. She likes nothing more than sitting in strange tiny spaces for your amusement. She's also fond of chasing anything you're willing to drag along the floor.
This is Gus. Gus might look a bit disgruntled but really he's just paying too much attention to the world and he worries about you.
Smudge is a big fan of hiding in boxes that are too small for him and sniffing around empty peanut butter jars.
Haru spends most of her time sitting on the window sill watching the world go by and when no one is looking she likes to sniff snails.
And last but not least, Miss Meowington. She's pretty disapproving of everything you do but still expects you to look after her. Just like a real cat.
I had a lot of fun with these guys and I hope you agree, they turned out pretty cute.
Wednesday, 25 June 2014
Bug Hunt
We decided to go out and hunt for bugs so headed out to the meadow and started turning things over. We mostly found massive groups of massive woodlice which was nice enough and big ugly slugs which was not so nice but they have their own gross interestingness.
Then we stumbled on a field vole nest and woodlice just weren't good enough anymore.
We weren't expecting it at all. We were hoping to come across a slow worm or snake, well aware that we probably wouldn't but it didn't even occur to us we might find some sort of mammal nest. And we didn't just find a mammal nest but the vole actually came out. When Will flipped the log over we could see there was a nest and then briefly saw a tiny little face and we sat there watching it hoping it'd come out again and then it properly did. Wandered out a little way, turned around and wandered back in. There was at least one more just inside the nest moving around too.
The bug hunt went slightly awry and stopped being a bug hunt and started being an oh my god a vole nest adventure but I'm not complaining. I'm still a little shocked that we just stumbled across it like that. Good old nature.
Tuesday, 24 June 2014
Monday, 23 June 2014
Illustration ~ Butts
Butts are awesome so I drew a couple and they are now available in my Etsy shop either as a pair or on their own if you have a preference.
I painted these in the morning then did the scanning and listing in the afternoon. It has been a day of butt jokes in this house. Not clever ones either. To be honest it's mostly just been a day of 'butts, ha!' because we're mature and stuff.
Hairy butt // Smooth butt // Pair of butts
Sunday, 22 June 2014
Saturday, 21 June 2014
My Patterns Made By Other People!
Photo credits:
I knew there was a fair chance that after having a pattern published in a magazine someone somewhere would make something from it but I didn't think I'd get to see them so this is awesome.
If you've made anything from my patterns I'd love to see it, send me photos please ^_^
Friday, 20 June 2014
The Anti-Social Club ~ Luna
My maybe slightly but not quite off topic piece for 'luna'.
I've never really done much fan art but when I saw the topic was luna this week, the first thing that popped to mind was Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter and then I couldn't think of anything else so I just went with it.
Thursday, 19 June 2014
I love walls that have things growing out of them and there's an old wall between our house and the ducks that has all sorts going on.
I love this tiny gate. I don't know if the space was always so short or if the road is higher now than it was but it looks like it was built for hobbits. The top of the wall is about head height.
Look at all the colours on that last plant!
A fine old wall indeed.
Wednesday, 18 June 2014
Feeding the Ducks. And the Geese and Pigeons.
We had a loaf of bread that had started growing mould so I chopped off all the bad bits and we headed out in the drizzle to feed the ducks. I figured we'd get attacked by greedy geese, give up the bread really fast for fear of getting knocked over and that'd be that. That would have been fine but it turned out so much better. We sat on a bench and fed an Egyptian goose and then her quite grown up babies came over and she stood back keeping an eye on the geese and swans that were in the water while they ate out of our hands! They were quite bold, still a little timid if you moved too quick. It was awesome.
We thought we'd share the love (and felt a bit bad about giving a whole loaf to a few young ones considering bread isn't actually all that great for them) and headed down to find some other ducks and got bombarded by the prettiest pigeons and a few mallards.
The pigeons turned out to also be super friendly and not only would eat out of your hand but would sit on your hand to get the food so we got to hold the pigeons. Their underneaths are so so soft. I've got a real soft spot for pigeons so this was the icing on the tasty cake.
All in all a pretty good start to the day. We even sat for a bit and did some drawing before heading back home for lunch.
Will took these bottom two on his phone so I had evidence of my birdy encounters.
Tuesday, 17 June 2014
Sketchbook ~ Contains Boobies
I've been working on a few commissions lately that I can't share yet and I sent the last one off yesterday so I'm feeling pretty excited about working on some new things that I'll be able to share as they happen. As well as new items for the shops I also really want to work on backgrounds. I'm drawing people out of my head more often and I think I need to start working on giving them somewhere to be.
I'm off to make pizzas and then stuff my face. Good evening to you ^_^
Monday, 16 June 2014
Sunday, 15 June 2014
Saturday, 14 June 2014
Soothing Saturday
I spent today with my parents and Will wandering around the city looking at pretty things. It was quite lovely.
There are a few of these around the city at the moment and I can't get over the fact that they're clearly freehand. I dream of being able to write like that.
This Egyptian goose couple had eight fluffy little babies wandering around nibbling grass or sitting in a huddle. It was so cute.
We saw another pair in the river and they had two babies who were equally as cute and fluffy. We threw them a few bits of bread and the goslings got no special treatment, all four of them were thinking only of themselves and getting the bread.
I am totally convinced it's a Sunday. Tomorrow will be like I get an extra day.
I actually just checked the calendar again, it is Saturday.
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