
Friday, 24 January 2014

Free Castle Visit Number One

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For Christmas we were given a joint Norfolk Museums pass by my mum and dad. The other day we needed a bit of a break from deadlines and such so we took advantage of a free coffee offer on priority moments and while we were out had a very quick (there was still work waiting at home) first free visit into the castle. It took a bit of willpower to leave so quickly but we'll be back for you castle!

The passes are such a good present, it's going to be awesome popping into the castle whenever we like and I'm really looking forward to the first full day we spend in there. Plus the other 9 museums it gives us access to that we haven't been to before. I'm so excited, museums are one of my favourite things.


I want this fish tile so bad, it's amazing.

1 comment:

  1. I am such a museum buff, so I think passes to the museum are awesome! Who doesn't love an educational learning experience through a museum! Your pictures are cool, and that fish tile is quite interesting.

    Wish you a beautiful weekend!
