
Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Week 25


Day 169 - Typical messy bad light desk shot.


Day 170 - I didn't notice the plant reflection until I had the photo on the computer but now it's my favourite bit.


Day 171 - Made myself a little crochet pouch with a zip. My zip attaching skills need practise.

Day In The Life Of June 2013 & 172.365

Day 172 - Sweets!


Day 173 - R2-D2 phone pouch. Will is currently using this so I know if all my stitching holds up then maybe I'll make them for sale.


Day 174 - I could watch this film over and over. In fact, I often do.


Day 175 - A very small section of my studio that looks nice, as opposed to the rest of it that is a massive wreck.

Some things this week:

This photo of a camel my dad took at the zoo.

Marloes de Vries' Tumblr.

This photo.

I made my first christmas sale of the year!

This tweet made me glad I'm not the only one that wishes for some mess. I don't have a problem with blogs (or instagrams or whatever) that only show off the good stuff. Maybe you only show the good bits and are happy for people to either make the assumption that you're sharing everything or to realise you're not. Maybe all of your house is always that clean and that perfect, maybe you never spend the whole day in your pyjamas. Sometimes you want to look at things that are better than your things so you can escape a little and sometimes you want to see that other people are just like you. I just see a lot more of one than the other which is occasionally frustrating.

More importantly here are two Scott Pilgrim gifs. 1 + 2. There is so much hair in that film that I want to be mine.

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