
Friday, 21 September 2012

Goodbye Summer


Last night was the first time I really felt like summer had said goodbye. My feet were cold. This morning I wore my dressing gown for the first time. It even crossed my mind that the heating being on would have been good last night. I didn't turn it on though, we're well 'ard, our heating doesn't go on till we feel like we might get frostbite (although I think that's just me, I have a feeling now that Will's studio has moved he'll put his foot down and demand the comfort of a sensible body temperature. Wuss).

So here is a picture I took in July, my little goodbye to summer for this year. As far as I'm concerned tomorrow is officially autumn because of the equinox and my slight possible ocd tendencies that make it necessary to define such things. Tomorrow is also the next Day In The Life Of day on Flickr which I suggest you all participate in whether you use Flickr or not because I'm nosey and like to see what people have been up to at the same time that I was up to other things :)


  1. Yeah bye bye summer. Little sad although I usually love autumn! Still excited for autumn and its fashion though!

    The Young Bridget Jones

    1. Autumn is my favourite season. I love wearing layers and layers of clothes and eating lots of soup :)
