
Sunday, 30 September 2012

Sketchbook Sunday ~ Drinking and Ribbons

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Sometimes I write things down in my sketchbooks that I don't want people to read.

Saturday, 29 September 2012

Friday, 28 September 2012

Two Peas In A Pod

Untitled DILO 15.08

The peas are now in my Etsy and my Folksy. Aren't they cute?  ^-^
Now I'm off to find things to make with my newly acquired skills of crochet ribbing and bobble stitches I learnt yesterday and I think a bit of drawing is needed too.

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Monthly Music Exchange #2

Back in May Will and I backed Amanda Palmer's Kickstarter to fund a new album and tour. If you don't know about it, go google it, it's all very interesting and went amazingly well. We had to wait for what seemed like forever for the release date but it finally came round and our lovely backer special edition cd turned up last week. It's pretty much all I've listened to since.

If you have any problems with naked women (or you're in a place of work) then you probably shouldn't watch this video. If you like naked women, stop frame, awesomeness, then click play. Now.

I love Amanda Palmer for many reasons so a new album was a real treat and I'm glad it's as awesome as it is. I picked this song from the album because of the brilliant video. It must have taken ages and lots of planning and I think it turned out amazing. I could watch it again and again, it's a real piece of art.

What have you been listening to?

Monday, 24 September 2012

Cows Down The Road

DILO 16.08 DILO 16.04 DILO 16.19 DILO 16.22 DILO 16.14 DILO 16.17 DILO 16.25

On Saturday I went for a walk to the meadow that's down the road from us expecting to just see pretty leaves and berries and stuff and then all of a sudden I came across some cows!
I was amazed. There is a sign on the gate that says there are cows in there sometimes but I've never seen any and thought I'd never be lucky enough to happen to be in the meadow on the same day as the cows.
But there they were. I phoned Will who came running over (and was clever enough to bring the pinhole camera, fingers crossed for pinhole cows!) and we hung out with the cows for a bit. I've never been that close to cows before without a fence.
I've got to admit that I was a bit scared of them. They're pretty big and my mum has filled my head with the story of how one time her and dad got chased by a load of cows and almost trampled which makes me laugh even as I type this but in reality if a cow ran at me I'd freak out.
I tried to concentrate on the fact that they're really beautiful and that 2 of them looked straight at me for great photos. Also that they had amazing fringes.

Sunday, 23 September 2012

Photo an Hour ~ DILO

DILO 08.48

8am - Morning check on the herbs, time for some water.

DILO 09.04

9am - Breakfast

DILO 10.55  38.52

10am - 52 weeks photo. This is for week 38! I'm actually managing it! Go me!

DILO 11.23

11am - Working on amigurumi peas I've been asked to make.

DILO 12.30

12noon - Still working on the peas.

DILO 13.58

1pm - Oh look, more peas.

DILO 14.27

2pm - Lunch and a musical interlude.

DILO 15.57

3pm - I went for a walk...

DILO 16.22

4pm - ...AND FOUND COWS! (there will be more from the cows tomorrow)

DILO 17.21

5pm - We went to get ice creams before Will had to go to work.

DILO 18.16

6pm - There are too many spiders about these days.

DILO 19.24

7pm - Eating soup for dinner.

DILO 20.18

8pm - I spent my evening watching telly...

DILO 21.24

9pm - ...I started with the plan of Doctor Who then turning the telly off for more productive things. That didn't happen.

DILO 22.22

10pm - How stupid some of the people on Million Pound Drop are finally got me to turn off the telly and I headed to bed with a comic.

DILO is Day In the Life Of which is a group on flickr.

Friday, 21 September 2012

Goodbye Summer


Last night was the first time I really felt like summer had said goodbye. My feet were cold. This morning I wore my dressing gown for the first time. It even crossed my mind that the heating being on would have been good last night. I didn't turn it on though, we're well 'ard, our heating doesn't go on till we feel like we might get frostbite (although I think that's just me, I have a feeling now that Will's studio has moved he'll put his foot down and demand the comfort of a sensible body temperature. Wuss).

So here is a picture I took in July, my little goodbye to summer for this year. As far as I'm concerned tomorrow is officially autumn because of the equinox and my slight possible ocd tendencies that make it necessary to define such things. Tomorrow is also the next Day In The Life Of day on Flickr which I suggest you all participate in whether you use Flickr or not because I'm nosey and like to see what people have been up to at the same time that I was up to other things :)

Monday, 17 September 2012

£0.00 ~ Plates Galore


£0.00 isn't strictly true.
We were headed for the art shop the other day and popped into some sort of craft/vintage market on the way and just inside the doorway there was my favourite type of sign, 'free items'. Awesome, I restrained myself and just took 3 of the plates. Under 'free items' it also let us know that there was a donation box on the font so I popped a pound in.
Free stuff rules.

Sunday, 16 September 2012

Saturday, 15 September 2012


I've had a bit of a sort out in my Etsy shop.

The above is a screen shot of the Sale section in my Etsy shop, there are more bits than you can see in that image though so go take a peek.

There are a variety of reasons for the variety of items that ended up in the Sale section but overall I won't be making those items anymore and I'd like them to be out of my studio and being enjoyed by people.

Everything is under £5 (except, I think one thing that is £5)

Even though I won't be making these exact items anymore the lino print designs will get used on other things in the future (there are already some cards with the robot design).

I'd really appreciate it if you spread the word, it'd be great to have these things out in the world rather than just sitting in a drawer.

Hope you're having a good weekend :)

Friday, 14 September 2012

Recent Makes ~ Eyeball Coasters

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Eyeball coasters all figured out and done.
Those veins take me longer to sew on than crocheting the eye does. That's just silly.

These are available in my Etsy and Folksy. I'll be taking a few into The Craft Room before too long as well.

Monday, 10 September 2012


Untitled Untitled Untitled

It's almost sorted so here are a quick few shots. It's really weird having so much space after working in what was essentially a pile of stuff rather than a room for so long.

Dracula is shocked that Dita Von Teese is eating a burger. (Although Dracula should calm down because, to be honest, I doubt she actually ate it.)

Sunday, 9 September 2012

Sketchbook Sunday ~ Brody wip

Untitled Untitled Untitled Untitled

Rather than going out in the sun I stay in and draw. I'm a bit of a hermit.

Friday, 7 September 2012

WIP ~ Eyeballs

Untitled Untitled

Today I'm working on crochet eyeballs. The thinking is that it's Halloween soon but really I love stuff like this all year round.
I'm also working on eating these tasty tasty biscuits. The DJ on the box does not lie, they do in fact taste good.

Thursday, 6 September 2012

House Mess Part Two

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This doesn't look so messy but the fact that there are spaces just reminds me of how much crap there is everywhere else and that these spaces need to be filled. Preferably with more bookcases.