
Wednesday, 8 August 2012

25 Things Before I'm 26


I saw this years ago on A Beautiful Mess (who says she saw it at Hula Seventy) and I never tried it even though I thought it was a good idea and I love making lists, so this year I thought I'd finally do one. Some of the things are more silly than others which I think makes for a good list. I'd hate to have a very serious difficult list and then spend my 26th birthday looking at a list of things I didn't do, feeling like a failure but likewise I don't want to have a list that I'll have completed by September.
I think this list is a pretty good in between.

P.S. The ink bottle lid isn't blocking anything out on purpose, behind it says 'do a house portrait'. If I remember correctly in the opening of Moonrise Kingdom there is a cross stitch of their house. I'd love to do one of ours.

1 comment:

  1. A great list of stuff to do, I think some mine would be similar. You may have inspired me to make a list, too (I've seen it on A Beautiful Mess too). I spy a postcard of mine too-made my day :) x
