
Sunday, 27 December 2020

week 49 2020


I updated the text on my business cards stickers
sometimes online I feel like I'm just repeating myself but also can't remember where else I posted something, these first few are definitely on my instagram though
my etsy haul as an attempt to get that craft market feeling
I love doing ugly nails
same Mina, same
I will never get over how lucky I am to have access to vegan doughnuts that are so fancy and seasonal and good.

Wednesday, 2 December 2020

over-excited about kai ~ mmmh

 I've gone and fallen in love with Kai's first solo ohmygod

his voice, very good, his dancing, very good, the video, very good

this outfit is what got me first, sparkly floaty headpiece, a soft looking jumper that my nan would have knit, red velvet (?) trousers, bit of belly every now and then, *chefs kiss*
this whole painted nails but not every finger deal? wow
chubby little feet boots!
future cowboy?!
fringe hat water floor
this. fucking. hair.
crt monitors room
transporting about and smashing through himself
this scene, I mean. the dance, the lace, the lack of shirt/shape of the waistband combo.
it's all so beautiful and I think I need more time to digest but these are the screenshots I took and I'm too excited to not just write a blog post straight away. please tell me your favourite outfit/scene.

week 48 2020


the sky's been being pretty cool lately
trying to embody the calm aura of Sesshomaru while literally anything happens to him
for a while this spider plant was losing leaves at the same rate it was growing them but it seems to be settled in now and actually just growing them. so proud.
my god this page doesn't reflect the day I was having, my brain totally had it in for me, such blank, much tears, many headache but I got through it and even did some drawing
still can't quite believe we can get vegan pizza delivered with cheese and fake meat!!
Will had a birthday <3
make a wish
I made the cake, it was pretty good!
did you know grass didn't exist when dinosaurs were about? these cake decorations are pretty accurate.
said goodbye to the strawberry patch
my scraps bag for stuffing things and throwing as little out as possible
waste not want not
the day a man shouted at me on the street for being brightly coloured. I wish men would shut up honestly
rooooooots, baby roooooooots
grow good little guy <3