
Thursday, 14 November 2019

Sharky and Pixel Died

So, I don't have any rats now. I'm not going to do the same post as I did with Tank but I wanted to write about it because it helps.

Sharky and Pixel had been ill for a while and got much worse over the course of the same week and we decided it was time to let them go together. We were really hoping that Sharky would die at home because taking him to the vet caused him so much stress but we also didn't want him to be hurting more than he needed to. Will went and spoke to the vets about it and arranged an appointment and literally within about 10 minutes of Will getting home Sharky died on my lap, all four of us were sat together and he just went really peacefully. This was about an hour and a half before we had our appointment so Pixel didn't even have to be the only rat left which we knew he wouldn't have coped well with at all. For such a horrible thing, it worked out the best way possible.
We're pretty sure Pixel had said goodbye to Sharky the day before, he just seemed to be grooming him and sitting with him in a slightly different way, he knew it was happening, like we did. I'm glad he didn't have to be lonely rat.

I am so broken by them dying. They were my whole life. We were a family, they meant so much to me, made me a better person and literally everything is connected to them. Rats are magic, they are like us, it's such a mutual connection. It's going to take a really long time to get used to them not being here.
When Tank died it was awful but we had the other two to look after us and to hang out with. This is so much worse.

Going downstairs the first morning was scary, I had to make myself get out of bed at the usual time rather than just laying there and avoiding it. Even on a good day the first thing I'd do is say hello to the rats, tidy up any poo and old food, put in new food and water and recently with Sharky being so clingy my mornings were dictated by whether he needed to come out or not, whether my morning would start with an hour or so of just sitting on the sofa with him and Pixel had been having medicine in the morning that I'd have to sort out. Once they were sorted and safe I'd have a shower and have my breakfast (which I'd share with them). Coming downstairs now I have nothing I need to do except for myself and just getting on with my day. It's a big change. I don't want to start a new routine that doesn't have them in it.

Some things that have caught me off guard because my whole life is them:
Putting away the teaspoons. I've been giving the rats medicine for a long time and I mix it and give it to them on a teaspoon.
I was getting changed and thought "I'll put a cardigan on instead of this jumper because Sharky likes to get in it".
Leaving the house the first time (and second time, there hasn't been a third time yet) upset me. Not having them to say goodbye to, knowing no one was at home. Coming back and them not being there to say hello to and to be said hello to when I got home.

I was going to keep adding to this list but honestly, everything makes me think of them so I'll leave it here. I started writing this a few days ago and I still feel broken. I'm making myself go through the motions of day to day, I get up, I take showers, I eat, I tidy up, I go out, I'm trying to start work again, because I know I should, because how bad would I spiral if I didn't so I'm making myself do these things. It's weird to think from the outside I would look like I was getting on ok but I know how empty it feels to be doing the things.
I feel like I must sound so dramatic but it's how I'm feeling and I know it will get easier with time, I know but right now I'm just so sad and sad doesn't even get close to covering it.

They were perfect magic and they made me a better person and I'm going to work really hard at being that better person as my own little way of honouring them.
They were very special and I miss them so much.

Saturday, 2 November 2019

I'm Watching Naruto!

I'm doing it. I'm watching Naruto. All the way through. I've never seen any of Naruto before and that just feels wrong, it's such an ingrained piece of weeb pop culture that I just feel like I should participate.

I'm actually going in pretty blind because I'm wonderfully out of touch. All I have in my Naruto knowledge bank is that I read the first volume of the manga in March last year and I saw these drawings at the british museum.

That's literally it.

I'm 5 episodes in, some initial thoughts (that are basically the same as I thought when I read the manga).

  • I don't really like Naruto. lol.  I'm just not a fan of annoying, cocky, 12 year old boys. I'm pretty sure I have some mild school boy based ptsd, I find it really hard to enjoy characters like this. But I get it, he's had a hard life, he's still a baby, he doesn't know how to not be annoying. I am on side with his love for cup noodles though.
  • Sakura better get some fucking character development fast because wow she's a bad portrayal of a girl. Like, how is she even a ninja if she's so stupid? It better not be just because she fancies Sasuke because arhgjkhgkdsksdaghl (there's already mention of family stuff though..?)
  • Sasuke is just a different type of dumb boy, there's not even much to say about him yet because he's just so cold. It did make me laugh a lot though when there was a scene where it went from Naruto to Sakura to Sasuke and we were hearing what they were thinking in their head and Sasuke just wasn't saying anything.
  • I have a soft spot for characters with eyes like this, even if you can only see one of them...
Now, why am I watching this if I think the three main characters are dumb and annoying? I'll tell you why! They're clearly going to grow and I want to see it. There's enough going on that it feels like we're heading somewhere and even though I don't like them yet it's still fun to watch and it feels like I will like them soon. They're kids! Of course they're stupid!
Not to mention with the wonder of hindsight, it's a 220 episode anime with a 500 episode follow up based on a 72 volume manga that has really, really beautiful artwork. I'm not going to drop it after 1 volume or 5 episodes!

So yeah, I'm watching Naruto and I'll probably share my idiot thoughts about it here every now and then.