
Sunday, 26 March 2017

learning feet


For the past few months I've been letting my folksy shop items expire, I just wasn't getting the sales over there to warrant the effort of keeping track of two shops, and the last one expired yesterday. So no more folksy but I had a big sort out for my etsy making sure I knew what stock I have and what was listed and all that good boring stuff. I'm super organised now though.


I've been watching a lot of Audra Auclair's videos lately. I've followed her for a while on youtube but recently got a hankering to work my way through all her videos (like I do, because I'm a creep. Or does everyone do that? I don't know...). She gets me really wanting to draw even more than I want to anyway. She's mentioned how she uses pinterest for collecting reference and the like and I realised I would find that really useful too, I use my phone a lot for reference when I'm drawing in my sketchbook and I often end up spending so much time searching for something to draw from and it's a bit of a waste. So I made a load of boards that fit with what I feel like I need (I'm sure they'll change as I use them) and am slowly building up some things to draw from. It'll be great to have this collection of pictures to choose from and not need to spend so much of my drawing time thinking of what to look up and then looking for it and then trying to find a good image. It'll all be there :)


One of my boards at the minute is for some homework I've given myself, draw 100 pairs of feet. I've heard people mention a few times some sort of challenge for if there's something you hate drawing/need work on, draw it 100 times and you'll not hate it anymore/be able to do it or something. I haven't bothered to look it up because I don't want to get too caught up in someone else's way of learning but I thought what I do know of it sounds good. Whenever I draw a full person I get to the feet and just hate it. I mean I obviously want to work on other aspects of my people too but feet really bother me so I thought, draw 100 feets!


I'm choosing to do a few a day, I need to really concentrate on angles and things and let it sink in. If I drew 100 pairs of feet in one day I don't think I'd learn anything so I'm taking my time with it. I'm also a little worried it's going to become an 'urgh I have to draw today's feet now' project I hate and I'll end up ruining feet for myself but I'm going to do my best to avoid that mind set lol. Anyway I'm only at the beginning of my hundred and it's so hit and miss. One drawing I'm all, 'yeah, I can totally draw feet' and the next 'oh my goooooooosh I can't draw at all'. The more you look at things and draw them the better you get though so it's definitely worth doing I think ^_^


A few days ago this old drawing I did of some boobs got shared a lot on instagram and I had an email from someone asking if it was available as a print so I cleaned it up and added it to my society6 and redbubble for them. I didn't worry about making it fit all the products (it fit a much wider range on redbubble if you're interested) but I have decided to leave it up. Also new to my print to order shops is this 'It's All Fine' design. They're definitely not actually in a panic, it's fine.

Here's my pinterest if you're interested :)

Friday, 17 March 2017

spring is coming ^_^


I felt like I knew Sad Ghost Club had started posting on youtube but had never looked into whether that was real or if I'd made it up but I actually looked and it's real! And what's best about it being real is that they're uploading 'sketchbook club' videos and I love it so much. I don't have a group of friends to have drawing fun time hang outs with (maybe because I say lame things like drawing fun time hang outs?) and having these videos on while I draw is really great. I know I'm still not with people but there is something nice about that little screen of people that are having a chat and also drawing. It's less lonely and actually quite motivating, I drew in my sketchbook for longer in one go while watching their video than I tend to which was great. So, thanks Sad Ghost Club! I hope you keep doing these videos ^_^


I don't want to jinx it but there have been a few really nice days lately and it feels like spring might actually be starting to happen! I'm so excited, I need more sunshine and to not need my big coat. Plus it's much nicer to take my camera out when I weigh less (the lack of a big coat), don't have frozen fingers and are much less likely to get rained on. It's a good time.


I don't do a lot of 'socialising' on any level but I need to figure out 'what I do' for when I am around people. When I am in a situation where there are other people and they ask I never know what to say, I don't have a job title, and end up sounding really dumb. Lots of pauses and ums. Although maybe I just need to change how I say 'I make stuff and then try to sell it'. Take out the try for a start and state it rather than question it, change my tone. As with many a social problem I just need more confidence I suppose. I'll get there.


I've wanted this Cardcaptor Sakura wand tattoo for a while now, since I finished reading the manga. Will finally had time to draw it up for me and we got it done a couple days ago. I love it so much, Will did such a good job and it makes me want to hurry up and decide what else I want on my leg so it isn't so lonely. Also I've heard that the older you get the more it hurts so lets try and avoid that lol. Can we take a moment to appreciate how cute it is that Will put Princess Luna on his black ink bottle. He said he has a big white ink now too so he's going to find a Princess Celestia to go on there. So kawaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiii!!

Thursday, 16 March 2017

InstaSnapLineStoryChat #9

I'm working real hard to draw more often and also to share it. My instagram stories are really good for that but I wish my phone's camera was a bit better because I feel like I shouldn't share such bad quality photos on my actual instagram feed but I really need to be sharing my work there too. I guess it's just another thing to add to the list of 'get over it'. That's the phone camera that I have, it might not be as fancy as what a lot of other people have but I can't do anything about it right now. Waiting for things to be better before you do stuff just doesn't work. Gotta just do it!! Easier said than done though, right?

Sunday, 12 March 2017

Art Journal Flip Through ~ February 2017

I really like using books that don't have dated pages for my art journal/scrapbooking. I can use as many pages as I like without messing it up. There's a day during February that goes over three pages because I like to keep all those little bits of packaging. It's nice to not have to worry about either fitting them all on one space or not having a page to use for the next day.
At the start of the month I started a new notebook. It was part of a 3 pack for about £1.75 I think, it's going ok but the pages can get quite wrinkly when I glue stuff to them so it's not ideal but it'll do ^_^ I'll probably use the other 2 notebooks for something else though and find something a tiny bit sturdier for the next one.

Saturday, 11 March 2017

feeling a little lost


When I'm feeling my worst I'm much more likely to get my phone and take an awful photo of myself. I don't know why I do it but I do. So here's me in bed with an absolutely horrible headache that only a good sleep could shift. That pooh bear nighty is soooooo old, like maybe 15 years? It's starting to fall apart and sometimes my boob pokes out of the top of the candle but it's too comfy to get rid of.


I don't know if it's the weather or hormones or just general bad brain but I've been feeling a little down lately. Trying to get on top of it though. Sometimes there's nothing you can do about it but I always at least try to not dwell on all the negative thoughts that pop into my head. "What about this really lame thing about you" "yeah well there's nothing I can do about that, look at this cute and colourful thing, ooooo".
Doesn't always work but ya gotta try.


I got my february zine made and listed. I think it's my favourite so far. I can be unnecessarily precious about not covering bits of drawings up so I tried to really pack it full so it looks really mooshed together. I didn't quite manage the look that I wanted but I think I'll get better at this layout each month. I need practise at layering things over other things without worrying so much about the bits you can't see anymore. I also got this good boy uploaded to my society6 and redbubble shops.


I started one morning by making this pram from a my little pony magazine cover. I love craft activities and kids ones are more likely to be simple and colourful. It was a really good creative and stress free (well mostly, the instructions were a bit ambiguous at one point...although, I didn't get stressed, just confused lol) way to start me off for the day.

The last week went by so quickly I feel like I didn't do anything so I had nothing to photograph but I know I didn't just sit about so I must have been doing things....waaaaaah. Sometimes no matter what you do it seems like the time just disappeared and you have nothing to show. Basically I've been a bit lost lately. Am hoping it will pass soon!


I fill in these posts bit by bit during the week or however long and then I'm just used to it being what it is so far and can't tell anymore if it reads through coherently or if it's a little all over the place. But if you read it and think the flow of it is odd, that's why. Each little piece is written on a different day and then I just throw in the photos and videos when I'm ready to publish it.

Wednesday, 1 March 2017

Party Legs

I wanted to show off my leggings on instagram and it got a bit out of hand.

Party Legs
Party Legs

I really enjoyed editing these photos though. Deleting out the background and drawing over the top. If I had a proper chair to sit in I'd quite happily do things like this all day ^_^
I got these leggings for Christmas and it's the first time I've properly worn them. They came from redbubble and it's my design (it's on society6 too). I have the xl which I think is the biggest size they do. I'm not the smallest person but I'm not the biggest either so it's a shame they don't do larger, hopefully they'll add more options at some point. These felt like they'd be too tight while I was pulling them on but they actually fit just fine and they're really comfy and feel real nice. If I bend over you can see my pants but I would probably always wear something over the top of them anyway so that doesn't really bother me.
I didn't realise there was a slight theme to my outfit until I was editing these, as well as my leggings being my design, I painted that t shirt too to celebrate my love of Scully. "Please explain to me the scientific nature of the whammy". Yeah spoopy Mulder, explain it.