We had a day out on Monday rummaging through as many second hand shops as we could get to. Saw a lot of awesome things, including this Mickey Mouse phone, the handset is his backpack, but only bought some Batman: The Animated Series stickers that I found in a box of cards which is awesome but I still have some Christmas money burning a whole in my pocket so we'll have to head out for another rummage soon I feel.

There is a new (to me anyway, maybe it's been there ages) supermarket that we came across and it sells all amazing looking stuff and has a coffee bar/grill cafe that looked really good. Labels and packaging that isn't from this country is one of my favourite things. I don't know if other countries are better at packaging or if it's just the not having seen it before aspect but supermarkets with imported items are always fun. Will definitely be going back on a day better suited to food shopping to actually buy things.

Can you believe Burger King weren't doing milkshakes!! What's that all about.
I took the opportunity of a non work day to have a go at my first 'proper' vlog. I really enjoy videoing stuff so far and I think looking back at videos as well as everything else I keep and blog will be great. The talky bits are very awkward and I haven't quite figured out the camera yet but I'm learning so surely they'll get better. Maybe?
And here are some photos of the shiny so you get to see Two-Face in all his colourful glory. Stickers are the best.