
Friday, 31 July 2015

Norwich Pride 2015 Part 1

Last weekend I spent an afternoon in the city taking too many photos and having a great time at Norwich Pride. There was a march from one of the parks that ended up outside the library where there were a variety of people/organisations with stalls and a stage was set up for entertainment and speeches. I've split my photos into two posts so as to not make it crazy long.

I'm going to get this out of the way now because I so much almost wasn't going to mention it but I think I should. Once while watching the march I saw two guys pointing and laughing at someone that was taking part and I later heard two lesbians made a snide comment about bisexual people. I don't want to attach anything negative to the day because it was awesome and without being too cheesy I came away from it feeling really uplifted but I think it's important to point out. If people that are actually attending pride are being narrow minded then that really shows why pride is so important. Imagine what some people who wouldn't go to pride are thinking and saying and that is just wrong. It all needs to stop.

Anyway, onward with photos of wonderfulness!

  Norwich Pride 2015

I took so many photos of that main banner, every time I saw it that day I was like 'best take another one just in case the last one wasn't any good' It's all embroidered, patchwork type bits and I love it.

Norwich Pride 2015

When I was looking up info for what was going on at the event I was really impressed with how often it mentioned disabled folk. 'Proud and Disabled' were at the front of the march, and there was a disabled viewing area outside the library to watch the stage and all the speeches and bits were BSL signed. I was mighty impressed, I don't need to go looking for that information so I don't know if it tends to be easily available but the fact I so easily saw it must have been real handy for those who needed to know about it.

  Norwich Pride 2015

Sing with Pride sung their way along the route.

Norwich Pride 2015

I wasn't specifically checking so might be wrong but I realised later that Labour were the only political party I saw there. That's Clive by the way, our MP. If you follow me on twitter you may have seen my regular amazement at having an MP that actually says things I agree with so it was good to see him in the march. Also, as was pointed out by someone on twitter the only sports team tabling at it were the Norfolk Brawds so claps to you guys.

   Norwich Pride 2015Norwich Pride 2015 Norwich Pride 2015 Norwich Pride 2015 Norwich Pride 2015 Norwich Pride 2015 Norwich Pride 2015 Norwich Pride 2015

In case you can't read it it says ' not gay as in happy, but queer as in fuck heteronormativity'. On the back it said something along the lines of 'don't use my identity for your marketing' which I found especially funny because Nando's pride flags and stickers seemed to be everywhere, along with someone dressed as the Nando's chicken running around handing out vouchers. It's a weird one, where's the line with a company showing support and using people to gain profits. I'm not articulate enough to even try and tackle it. I don't suppose it's even my place to try.

Norwich Pride 2015

A pun will always please me. (There's that Nando's chicken in the background too.)

Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Shop Update ~ Patches

Skull patches - blue // pink // yellow 

cat skull // slime guy // sanitary towel // ghost

I had a few half finished patches laying around that I managed to finish last week and I also made some more "don't tell me to smile patches" and they're all now listed. Still love embroidery, definitely want to do some bigger illustration type pieces, maybe left in the hoop for framing.
This gravestone patch wasn't quite good enough to put in the shop so I had to keep it for myself. The hardships I go through.

Monday, 27 July 2015

My Patterns Made By Others #5

This still makes me smile a silly smile. Thank you for using my patterns!
Please share your makes with me. @ mention me on twitter and instagram (I'm @vongarratt on both) or on instagram use #beckygarratt so I can be nosy!!

Saturday, 25 July 2015

Happy 90th


Yesterday was my Grandad's birthday, his 90th birthday. That's pretty amazing. Mum sent me a photo of him wearing his badge which was lovely. I can't imagine having 90 years worth of stuff floating around in my head. Makes the 28 I'll be in a couple of weeks seem so tiny. Which in turn makes me think about what he must have been through by the age of 28. There would have still been food rations! I reckon I've had it pretty easy.

Untitled Untitled

Thursday, 23 July 2015

197 - 203 // 365 2015

197/365 // 2015

Day 197 - We had to move his hutch for a couple of days and then he spent some time being very suspicious of me but he's my friend again now. He couldn't stay away from the neck scratches.

198/365 // 2015

Day 198 - This pumpkin finally had to be thrown out. I like it's crumpled styles but it had a mouldy butt :(

199/365 // 2015

Day 199 - Making granola (and then eating granola) is one of my favourite things.

200/365 // 2015

Day 200 - Working on a birthday card. Also, eep we're in the two hundreds!

201/365 // 2015

Day 201 - Making patches and watching The TanZel Show videos. Will told me about the channel because he knows the people that make it and now I watch it a creepy amount. But nice creepy, not creep creepy.

202/365 // 2015

Day 202 - I always think my aloe vera is going to die and then it starts getting green and growing bits again but I haven't figured out why. Any aloe vera advise welcome. At least, I think it's an aloe vera.

203/365 // 2015 203/365 // 2015

Day 203 - I took my camera outside with me!! It was only a quick trip into the city to do a few chores then back home for more chores but the fact I felt like taking my camera is a good thing. Be pleased with me. Also, it's my birthday soon so I had a quick peek in a couple of charity shops to see if I could find something fancy to wear and all I bought was a jumper which is the opposite of August birthday clothes. I'm too much of an autumn person.

Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Illustration ~ Self Portrait July 2015

Self Portrait July 2015

I've painted a new self portrait and changed all my icons so if you follow me on various internets, this is me now.
I'm pretty happy to be squishing that yarn.

Sunday, 19 July 2015

Days 189 - 196 // 365 2015

189/365 // 2015

Day 189 - Pagination Queen

190/365 // 2015

Day 190 - I'm pretty sure my studio oak tree is dead.

191/365 // 2015

Day 191 - Hi there.

192/365 // 2015

Day 192 - Painting this comic.

193/365 // 2015

Day 193 - Veiny yoga feet. Whenever people have said that exercise makes them feel more energetic and awesome I've just been like no, not at all, lies. Hush your mouth. Exercise makes you feel like crap and dead. But I think I get it now because after yoga I feel all awesome and ready to do stuff. I'm not even any good at it yet. I just hadn't found my exercise.

194/365 // 2015

Day 194 - I moved the little mirror in front of the big one to get to some books or something and it's been keeping me entertained with it's slightly off double picture.

195/365 // 2015

Day 195 - Please send hair dye. Seeing as you're sending stuff, throw in some fig rolls.

196/365 // 2015

Day 196 - I'm pretty sure there should be more legs in this photo.

Friday, 17 July 2015

Crochet ~ Raccoon Brooch

Raccoon Brooch

The current issue of Simply Crochet has the pattern for my raccoon brooch in it. It's not the current issue for much longer though. The new one is out next week I think. (With one of my favourite things I've made for them ^_^ )
If you're not one for crocheting I have one all ready made for sale in my Folksy shop.

Wednesday, 15 July 2015

Comic ~ Itchy


Most of the time I'm quite good at not rubbing my eyes but sometimes I'm awful.

Monday, 13 July 2015

Comic ~ Pizza


I have strong feelings about all pizza but homemade pizza has a special place in my heart.

Saturday, 11 July 2015

Zine ~ June


For June I made myself a quick little zine of sketchbook bits from the weekend I actually managed to find time to sit down and draw in amongst deadlines. I also discovered the paper we have at the minute is horrendous for show through. Which is annoying because I have a few zines in various stages of readiness for the shop. I think I'm going to have to brave the library for the photocopier which is also the printer that seems to only be used by angry people. I do love photocopies though so it'll be worth it.


If you know of some magical opaque paper that isn't thick I'd appreciate the tip!

Thursday, 9 July 2015

Days 181 - 188 // 365 2015

181/365 // 2015

Day 181 - He always looks so suspicious. Well, when you can see his eyes anyway.

182/365 // 2015

Day 182 - That sleepy flash again.

183/365 // 2015

Day 183 - Homemade ice lollies make heat waves tastier.

184/365 // 2015

Day 184 - This is homemade peanut butter and white chocolate frozen yoghurt (recipe from A Girl Called Jack) blended with coffee and milk and it's awesome.

185/365 // 2015

Day 185 - My parents sent us a cupboard full of food (and then some) because they're great and this pretty plant came too. I love having plants and flowers (and food) in the house, who doesn't though.

186/365 // 2015

Day 186 - Han Solo in his party frock.

187/365 // 2015

Day 187 - Egg snack is a good snack.

188/365 // 2015

Day 188 - I feel ya dino.