
Sunday, 29 April 2012

Melting Crayons

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I suggest you go melt crayons. Now.
It's stupidly fun to melt stuff and it's pretty too.
I peeled all the paper off my crayons ages ago for no reason so they were dirty and I had to shave them.

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Mobile Photos

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Start of March 2012 - end of April 2012
Guinness cakes, diana, carrow hill, cherry blossom, a new friend, coffee, what I'm reading, my tired face, homemade meringues and cream, easter chick, baby tote, new dress, showing mum I like the cardigan, trying to save the herbs, hippo, gangsta, fishnets in the pub, william in the pub, blurry tiles in the pub and a doodle I did last night.

Friday, 20 April 2012

Polka Dot Shoes!

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The first photo shows some nice new things I got today for a total of £8.40 and some instax photos (which you can see on my flickr if you like).

The second photo is of wax crayons being sorted. Obviously. Also one of the cd's we ordered off amazon with our £10 lottery winnings. Another example of something we should have owned years ago but didn't.

Just now we were in Morrisons buying a bottle of wine, a jar of mayonnaise, a bag of salad and a bag of peanut puffs. The till lady asks for id. Will gives her id (he's 26) she looks at me and asks for id, I tell her I have none on me but point out that Will's buying it, not me. She doesn't let us buy the wine. All this accomplishes is that I have to stand outside while Will goes back in to get the wine from someone else as though I am actually underage and being sneaky.
I get id'd all the time which I don't mind but it's something new that I look so young or dodgy or something that she won't even sell alcohol to someone with 26 year old id if I'm with them.


I wonder how young I'd need to have been for her to sell Will the alcohol, I'm sure she doesn't refuse to sell alcohol to people that have little kids with them...

For reference, I'm 24.

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Robot Cards


This fine fellow started out as a notebook cover and then ended up on some postcards.
I've had a few people say to me "If that robot was on a card I would definitely buy it." How could I not make some cards?

I've left the inside blank and they're available on Etsy and in The Craft Room.

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Crochet Bunting

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Crochet bunting is now available on my Etsy and in The Craft Room.

If you'd like different colours or lengths then just ask :)

Monday, 16 April 2012

Baby Tote

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I was asked to design a tote for someone doing a midwifery course. Bit of a tough subject for a bag design, my first thoughts of midwifery aren't really suitable images for a tote bag but I think it turned out quite sweet.
I was going to screen print it but then decided to hand paint it instead seeing as there was only going to be one of them.

Saturday, 14 April 2012


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That's my new (to me) apron found amongst a pile of fabric handed down to me.
It's awesome.

Friday, 13 April 2012

A Hippo and A Dress

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We had a short visit from my parents this week. We got some culture at the Sainsbury Centre and headed into the city for a wander round the shops. I was lucky enough to be bought a tiny little hippo from the Sainsbury Centre based on the Egyptian one you can see there (my hippo was made by a local artist in Norfolk and I annoyingly can't remember their name but their intials are S.M. and I endeavor to find out their name in the not too distant future) and also a new dress.
Fashion seems to have gone horribly wrong at the moment (not that I'm particularly bothered by fashion trends but it sure does make the shops ugly) so I was glad to find something nice.

Now I need to decide on a name for the hippo.

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Week 14


Week 14 - William bought me daffodils.
"There are 79 of them. I got 4 bunches of 20 and I broke one."

Still managing the 52 weeks project. Just. I pretty much always take them on Saturday in a panic that it's the end of the week and I haven't done it yet.

Must try harder.

52 weeks set on flickr.

Monday, 9 April 2012

Comics I've Read Vol.8

Hewligan's Haircut - Written by Peter Miligan and Art by Jamie Hewlett
I love Hewlett and it was a fun story.

A Tale of Batman: Gotham by Gaslight and Master of the Future - Written by Brian Augustyn, Pencils by Michael Mignola, Inks by P. Craig Russell and Art by Eduardo Barreto (2nd story)
Batman in Victorian times. What's not to like?

Skim - Words by Mariko Tamaki and Drawings by Jillian Tamaki
This was actually pretty good rather than over the top dramatic like a lot of things about teenagers.

Uncle Sam - Words by Steve Darnell and Drawings by Alex Ross
Beautiful art.

Saturday, 7 April 2012


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The weather has turned cloudy (just as I need to take product photos for the shop, grumble, whinge moan) but it has been really nice recently.
We have no use for quite such a large dining table. Will plans to cut it up so it's a more manageable size.

Hope you're having a lovely Easter :)

Monday, 2 April 2012

Notebooks and Bowls

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Some things I've made recently, handmade notebooks with knitted covers and some crochet bowls for Etsy. The notebooks, so far, are only in The Craft Room but I'm working on getting some on Etsy too.
The days are passing far too quickly at the moment. Even though I'm spending all day doing things, I still feel at the end of the day I haven't done enough. I can't believe it's already April!