
Thursday, 16 June 2011



My most recent illustration inspired by a dream I had which featured a pug that had pigeon wings. I was quite taken with him and had to draw him out so I didn't forget the dream.

We heard from the lettings agent this morning and have a definate move in date, it's all quite exciting. Although I hate packing and everything is a little hectic at the moment and I'm going to quite badly miss having such easy access to London (and my parents!) I'm so looking forward to living in Norwich for a while and having an actual house with our own garden and going to see the largest collection of British teapots!


Comics I've Read Vol.3

I enjoyed all of these in different ways but in particular Lone Wolf and Cub is beautifully drawn, I look forward to finding the next volumes.


Sunday, 12 June 2011

I have not died....

.... but my internet did. Hence the lack of anything from me around here for a while.
I'll hopefully update some stuff soon now that we're online again (no thanks to talk talk) but we're moving house very soon (yay!) so no doubt we'll be without internet again for a while before too long so I'm going to make the most of it in the most productive ways possible, hopefully.
Now to have a sneaky peek at what I've been missing...
