
Monday, 31 January 2011


29th Jan

30 Jan

My weekend in sketchbook form.
Oldboy is a twisted but very good film, I suggest you watch it but prepare to feel uncomfortable.


Wednesday, 26 January 2011



I'm clumsy. I closed the book before Wonder Woman's ear had dried and got ink all on the other page hence the forehead mess.


The King's Speech was amazing.
That is all.


Sunday, 23 January 2011

Map Of Tasmania

I can't stop listening to this song.
I am eagerly awaiting the new album on cd, I know I could download it but I'm not one for having my music digitally.
The album is apparently Nick Cave approved too, just in case you needed more proof that it's worth getting excited about.


A Sunset and Envelopes

The sunset from 2 days ago.

The envelopes I put in the post yesterday filled with self promotion.
Fingers crossed.

I have had a blocked nose for about a month now and it's getting seriously annoying.
I've tried everything I can think of to get rid of it so if you have any home remedies please share them. It's making me crazy!!


Saturday, 22 January 2011



Just a quick post to let you know there are postcards of some of my photos now available in my shop.

Now I'm going to get back to sorting out my self promotion. Who'd have thought writing out addresses could be so achey.


Saturday, 15 January 2011

Shop Update

There are now 2 Valentine themed illustrated postcards and my new zine in the shop.

There are a few new illustrations on my flickr and website portfolio too.

I have quite a few things that need to get in the shop but I'm going to wait till the light gets better. It's been so completely grey recently.


St. Valentine and a Zine

Issue 2



I managed to trim, fold and stitch all 50 copies of my zine yesterday. My fingers weren't happy. I was though.

Today I shall be photographing St. Valentine postcards and my zine and then adding them to the shop so they should hopefully be in there by the end of the day.

Updated: All 3 of the above are now in the shop :)
Once they're in the shop I'll give a few more peeks at the illustrations I did for the zine.


Thursday, 13 January 2011

Mobile Photos

A few mobile phone photos.

1. When my mum gives gifts she puts as many shiny things in as possible. But she's sneaky, she doesn't put them in all the presents so you aren't expecting it and she puts them in between the pages of books so you think there aren't any when you open the present and then get covered in them when you come to reading the book.
I love it :)

2. I made a cowl/infinity/loop scarf whichever you prefer to call them. I really enjoyed making it, I'm going to make more and they're destined for the shop.

3. A poor quality photo of what I got from Moo.

4. This morning I got the best post I've had in ages. The photos I got printed came from Jessops and the postcards I made have arrived from Moo. Almost a week early too! Number 3 is of the postcards and doesn't do them justice at all, they're beautifully printed. These are also destined for the shop, a few of my photos and a couple of Valentines designs too. They should be up in the next couple of days.
Also if you are one of the many that have stopped getting photos printed now that it's all digital I highly advise that you go get some photo albums and get your favourite photos printed out. I love actually looking through and touching the photos, printed photos look better than on a screen because they aren't made of light and the colours are so much richer and it's just better to be able to actually hold something. Well I think it is anyway, each to their own but I definitely think everyone should try it. And if you do, don't just get the perfect ones printed, it's about memories after all, not being a professional photographer :)

I'm off to (hopefully) print the rest of my zine pages. It's about half printed but our printer is a bit temperamental so I can't ask it to do too much all in one go. It's looking good though :)


Tuesday, 11 January 2011

New Zine...

I can't believe it's been so long since I last posted.
But thinking back over the past few weeks it kind of makes sense.
I had a sulk inducing gum infection and a cold at the same time that caused me to do nothing but feel sorry for myself for about a week.

But once I got over the worst of that I commenced work on my next zine.

It took me a while to get going on it, for a little bit I almost gave up because I couldn't see it getting anywhere but now over the past week or so I haven't done much other than work on it and it's coming along quite nicely. Infact, I only have a few more bits to draw and then it's down to all the layout etc. which I'll hopefully get started on tonight.

I'm on my thousandth or so cold in a row and I'm incredibly fed up of blowing my nose but working on the zine and seeing it all come together is keeping me reasonably sane.


p.s. seeing as it's been so long since my last post, Happy New Year! Hope it's going well so far :)