
Sunday, 31 January 2010

are you sitting comfortably?

then i'll begin.

once upon a time (yesterday) there was a girl who worked at a cinema. sometimes this job makes her feel a bit cinderella-ey in that she works really hard and some other people don't so much and she gets grief from customers for things that aren't her fault and she gets paid almost nothing for the privilege.

every now and then however, something good happens.

the girl was in the cleaning cupboard when one of the boys that works at the cinema said "look, that boy at retail looks like ron weasley"

"who, where?"

"wait for him to turn round, that boy in the leather jacket. he looks like a shorter, fatter ron weasley."

the boy at retail turned a little and the girl saw that yeah he did look a bit like ron weasley.

the girl headed across the foyer to carry on with clearing up after people and saw the ron weasley look-a-like again but properly and thought to herself "hang on a minute, that actually might be ron weasley"

she mentioned to her colleague that he looked far too much like ron weasley for it to not actually be him and then watched as a little boy had his photo taken with him.

as ron weasely walked past them into screen 1 the girl and boy looked on in amazement that it was actually ron weasley and then spent the rest of their shift laughing that he had been pointed out as a 'shorter, fatter version'.

the end.

p.s. he didn't look at all fat but they must put him on a box or something when they're filming him next to harry and co.

Friday, 29 January 2010

bits and bobs

i drew this at work the other day. bit wonky but not bad.

i love squirty cream

we went to islington today to find the big art shop of the one we found by the national gallery.
will got a rhino in the art shop to make pretty. photos another time, he's not finished yet. and i got lino printing stuff. i'm excited.
we had lunch at 'the diner'. it was awesome. as shown by the photo. cherry coke in a resteraunt and glass coke bottles can only be a good thing.

this is me in the toilets at 'the diner' all the tiles were black with orange grouting and the toilets and sinks were black too. they were brilliant.

this is what i drew on the train home. part of wills face.

good day but really cold.

i need money to spend in gap.

the end. (will just arrived with fish and chips but without the fish and with a sausage and there's wine to be had)

Tuesday, 26 January 2010

trip to london

me and will went to london yesterday. it was good. we went to paperchase which was, as always, a wonderland. then we walked round to charing cross, had pizza hut buffet (yum) and went to forbidden planet where i finally got myself a copy of who killed amanda palmer (book) then we headed off to the national gallery to do some drawing and on the way found an art shop which was heaving with people because it had massive discounts which is pretty awesome. except they don't sell any lino cutting stuff. wood chisels, sure, but lino cutting tools, who on earth would want such odd things?
can't find lino stuff anywhere.

i gave will some money to go buy us tea in the national gallery 'espresso bar' and it turned out to be the funniest £5 note we've seen. (it came out of my purse like that, we didn't draw on it. that's what made it funny)

i decided i couldn't draw the painting we sat infront of so i did a doodle then drew the doorways down to the other side of the gallery from where we were.
we have added to our pizza hut name tag collection. yesterday we were served by agnes lasagne.

the train journey home was full of office folk. they all looked so sad and unfullfilled. i don't understand why so many people think thats how they should live. yeah you've got loads of money but it's clearly not making you happy.
while we're in london they all do my head in, pushing past me, getting in the way, running around like they're really important and not having any manners or respect for us unimportant non office people but i actually felt sorry for the people on our train. they all looked so depressed.
but it's their own faults.

will looked up where had this book on the internet and said that forbidden planet had some copies left that had been signed when neil gaiman and amanda palmer had done a signing there last year. we went to have a look but none of them had one of the little 'this book is signed' stickers but i got it anyway because it's a beautiful book. i un wrapped it from it's plastic when i got home and it's signed!
i'm so happy.
it made a good day even better.
and then will cooked a fry up and we watched lots of qi episodes on the iplayer.

Sunday, 24 January 2010

living dead girl

i didn't realise my face would be in the photo but couldn't be bothered to take another one, and another one until i got it right.

i 'made' this t-shirt. by 'made' i mean i printed on it. i think it came out pretty damn good.
incase you don't know, and i know it'd bother you, it's a rob zombie song.

today was a pretty relaxed sunday. we even went for a walk. to the co op, to buy a bag of salad. nowhere pretty.
on the way home we walked past the old house. someone is actually living in it! there is no way you could have fixed all the problems by now so they must be living in an awful house too.
then will had to go to work because the guy that should have been working hurt his leg. numpty.

i did some bookmark making. the shops contents is getting on quite well even if the website is still a bit untouched.

and then i made the nice dinner we were meant to have together and had half while internet-ing and listening to records. oh yes, on an actual record player. everyone that doesn't have one, you're missing out.

as an ending thought, i can't believe america say bangs instead of fringe. i always thought bangs was just the word for that short rockabilly betty page type fringe?
i'm obviously just uncultured.

Friday, 22 January 2010

one for sorrow

good ol' bit of collage.
i really enjoyed making him.
thinking he'll be cropped and printed into one of my bookmarks, which are coming along quite nicely if i do say so myself.

Sunday, 17 January 2010

some things

i'm at my most awesome when i'm sending will photos of me while he's in the same room but paying attention to things other than me.

will gets sad when he bites off a penguin's face.
but it's better than eating other bits of it while it can still look at you.

the innards of the penguin look like smarties but really that's just what penguins look like inside.

today we watched black hawk down and i changed the buttons on wills jacket.
i like to sew.

this post is pointless but i don't care.

p.s. can someone explain to me why glee is so popular? is it just because they sing journey songs?

Friday, 15 January 2010

phantom of the opera

we had a day out yesterday. for christmas will's mum got us tickets to go see the phantom of the opera so we decided to make a day of it and went to the national gallery in the afternoon.

we went and had tea and cake in the gallery cafe and looked at paintings on their awesome computer library thingy. will bought me this amazing cake. it was raspberry icing and it was so good i got will to help me eat it. coz i'm nice like that.

we sat on one of the comfy benches and did some drawing

then we went to pizza hut for dinner. i completely don't see the 'my fave' as part of the writing so i thought our waiter was called salim nachos. i'm kind of sad that he isn't.

will is excited by food. so am i but there isn't a picture to prove it.

we weren't allowed to take photos inside but here we are with the poster.
the building itself was beautiful and the show was magic. the costumes, the set, the make up, the actors themselves. i love the phantom. even if he does do killings. christine is stupid.
we want to go again.

Tuesday, 12 January 2010

i've had a productive day

i drew this little fellow this afternoon. he's going to be turned into a bookmark. and then i'm going to sell him in my shop. i've decided to do a whole selection of bookmarks so he won't be the only one. and they'll be made all pretty too. now i just need to find where i can buy sticky back plastic from to cover them in.

another idea i've had for my shop is cushion covers. the plan is to make the covers myself and then print on them too. so today i got my sewing machine out and had a go at a mini cover with some scraps. it went alright for a first attempt. handmade stuff isn't meant to be perfect anyway...
i need some fabric scissors though. mine are really blunt, not so good for cutting fabric straight.

this is almost 6 inches of free kit kats.
free = awesome

it's the work party tonight. will's working and i'm staying home. it was rubbish last year and this year with 'insert name here' preparing it with things like 'no stupid jeans or trainers' on the letter about the party happening and 'don't fucking touch' written on a cardboard standy with holes in it i don't think it'll be the most fun.
seriously why couldn't they have just put 'the dress code is formal'. or even just cut out the stupid. and whatever happened to manners. 'please don't touch' would be a hell of a lot more effective as far as i'm concerned.
i'm going to watch the hairy bikers and have a cup of tea instead and it'll be a lot more enjoyable.
and then we have 3 whole days off together! including a trip to the theatre courtesy of will's mum's christmas present of tickets to see phantom of the opera.
we're excited :)

Sunday, 10 January 2010

twit twoo!

will is closing tonight so i had to fend for myself. i think i did quite well. i made myself dinner and i drew this little fellow while i watched twilight. now i'm going to go read till i fall asleep and hope that this 'cold' doesn't develop into an actual cold.

Friday, 8 January 2010

snow and a drawing

people should stop whinging about the snow and just enjoy it. so you have to have a day off. it won't kill you. stay home, drink hot drinks and look at bird feet prints because they are cuter than whatever you were meant to be doing that day.*

if you look carefully in this photo the tracks lead to wing prints from where the bird took off. i was amazed by it.

i did a picture. watercolour and a piece of scrap material over the dress. i can't decide which crop i like?

also i saw today on someones blog, and then i googled it to check, that polaroid have said they're going to start making 600 film again! i'm so excited, i actually squeeked.

*anyone that has actually had trouble with the snow i know it can be rubbish. i'm only referring to the stupids. most of which don't actually need a day off. ever heard of walking?

Wednesday, 6 January 2010

bob the goose

we had one of those rare days when we are both off work so we went for a walk to the lake. it was really good.

we saw magpies eating a dead rat.
we met bob the goose.
one of bob's friends decided at random to bite one of the other gooses bums and hold on for dear life while the victim goose walked around trying to make him let go. it was funny but caused a bit of a disturbance among the geese who proceeded to chase each other about a bit. but bob was calm and continued to groom himself, choosing not to partake in the silliness.

the following photos are for mum to see me wearing my hat. the most awesome hat in the world.

(if i remember correctly you can click on the picture to see it bigger)

for more beautiful photos of the beautiful snow go see my flickr

Friday, 1 January 2010

new years day

will is doing an uber shift today so i'm by myself. i decided to get some air and went for a walk round old hatfield. it was cold and pretty.

now i need to decide what to do with the chicken i got out for dinner.
we might just be having plain chicken at this rate.

i'm trying to decide whether it'd be alright to put a bird table on our front garden. i don't see why it wouldn't be alright but there is someone about that has decided we aren't allowed to hang washing outside and who knows how a mind like that works?
maybe i'll just do it and see if anyone says anything. the lady next door has plant pots outside her front door so i can't see why anyone would have a problem with it.

new years eve

will is working new years eve and new years day so i've had to mostly amuse myself. the tights and slippers featured in this photo are both presents from mum and dad. they are brilliant.

on new years eve i wrote out my new years resolutions and made them pretty. then will came home and i struggled to stay awake for midnight and we ate chocolates and watched big ben and the fireworks then i went to bed and will read me some aesop's fables while i fell asleep. and if you think that i sound old or boring don't be silly, i don't start the year with a hangover and actually had a good night.

looking forward to a good, happy, art filled year.

christmas at mum and dad's

on boxing day will went to norfolk for a couple of days to see his family and i went and stayed with mum and dad for a night that turned into 2 nights.

at mum and dad's house there was festiveness and really nice food. i also stole dad's chair. he doesn't mind. his are the feet that appear in this picture.

their house was so festive that even the phone had a bow on it. which i loved.
this is curious hugh. he was my present to mum and dad. he has joined the menagerie that is growing around their house.

brian the gnome.

norman the duck.

keith the giraffe.

all with added festive-ness.

the day after boxing day we went to nan and grandad's house and on the way home we got bagels and then mum cooked up some bacon and egg and look how perfect it was. it was runny enough that you could squeeze it through the bagel hole but cooked enough that it didn't pop. mum has skills.

mum and dad have a new bathroom. i love it. it has old fashioned taps.

and i'm going to steal these jars next time i stay.